Language learning and coding knowledge is one of the 21st century requirements. In our project, we aim to create stories, materials and games with coding while learning English. To program(code), we need students who are proficient in the English Language. It is an enjoyable project where we will combine these two disciplines in a pot, we will get to know and use web 2.0 tools with fun activities, we will support language learning by block-based coding with scratch, we will provide intercultural interaction and our students will learn to work collaboratively.
1. Our students realize the importance of coding by having knowledge about coding.
2. Our students produce the competences they have learned in different lessons by associating with each other.
3. Our students are informed with computerized and non-computerized coding platforms.
4. Students interacts with different cultures by displaying respectful and understanding attitudes.
5. Studets internalizes the concept of team spirit.
6. Our students acquaire success by experiencing a sense of responsibility and sharing.
7. Students produce stories, materials, games for the topics they learn in English lessons.
8. Students recognize Web 2.0 tools and use them effectively in the project.
9. Students improve language skills, so they absorb the codes better.
10. They create products by improving coding skills.
11. Students develop the ability to present their products on different platforms.
DECEMBER: Creating the plan of the Project and announcing
JANUARY: Meeting the project members, making the first online meeting, Logo and Poster Design, Creating the project blog and social media accounts, collecting parent permissions
FEBRUARY: Creating a video about importance of coding in english with participation of all members, Computerless and Computerized Coding Activities, Safe Internet Studies, Internet Ethics and Determining the Rules to Follow
MARCH: Creating a joint scratch account, deciding on English topics and products to be created, Adding the project to school websites
APRIL: Online meeting for joint product, Starting planned joint product studies, Sharing Scratch codes and English texts
MAY: Creation of joint product, Creation of evaluation questionnaires, Online evaluation meeting, Preparation of participation certificate, Termination of the project
1.Making students and teachers actively use web 2.0 tools
2. Doing computerized and non-computer coding studies
3. Improving language skills
4. Creating a product by combining different course contents
5. Learning the English language by creating a product and ensuring that learning is permanent
6. Educating students who can create and apply algorithms
7. Adapting to respectful, sharing and collaborative work within the group
8. Bringing productive individuals to society
9.Training students who comply with the ethical rules determined in the use of technology, act in the virtual environment knowing their rights and responsibilities